Have a perfect smile!


Modern Prosthetics

What are dental prostheses

A dental prosthetic is a custom-fabricated appliance created specifically to replace missing teeth.

There are a variety of dental prosthetics to choose from specifically to suit the needs of each patient. Dental prosthetics can be fabricated to replace one tooth, a few teeth in a row, several teeth throughout the mouth that aren’t in a row, or all of your teeth. Prosthetics include:

  • Dental bridges
  • Implants
  • Full dentures
  • Partial dentures

Total Removable Prosthesis

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Why do I need a prosthetic?

Even one missing tooth can have a negative impact on your life both physically and emotionally. Losing a tooth may not seem like a big deal, but when there is a large space in your mouth and you realize people can see it when you smile, talk, yawn, etc., it can lead to low self-esteem. You can become embarrassed to speak and smile. Chewing without one or more teeth becomes difficult, and leaving a space between teeth can lead to other more serious dental problems

Stop feeling pain

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The dream of having your teeth fixed and real

Aligned teeth

Take care of your aesthetic appearance.


Removable dentures according to your needs.


Taking care of the aesthetic appearance is very important.


Tooth loss is not a problem without a solution.

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Do you know the difference between dentures and implants

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required technology and professional expertise

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Recover the will to smile with freedom and comfort

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